Aug 27, 2024

Gunslinger - Proof Approved

Last month we sent the final file to the printers. After a few typical pre-press issues such as fonts licensing, validation, and correcting printer specifications we were all good to go and ordered proof copies.

When the proofs arrived we poured over them with a fine tooth comb and they looked good, we found some minor issues to polish that required another proof. We'd come this far and didn't want to rush things at this point. Those revised proofs just arrived and the results are great.

The order has been put in to print the full run to fulfill the Kickstarter. If all goes smoothly they should be arriving mid-September. From there they'll get boxed up and shipped out.

This is my first crowdfunding and I learned a lot! I'm considering writing up a post-mortem to help others avoid some of the pitfalls I fell into.

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