Aug 23, 2024

Dwarf Crafter - an Original Edition Class

The Dwarf is severely limited in the original edition. It is restricted to the Fighting-Man class and can only rise to 6th level. They get a small number of interesting abilities that are acutely geared toward the sort of dungeon delving that was most popular in the early days of the game (and is still the best fun, in my opinion). While it does not explicitly associate race-as-class like the later Basic editions did, it was implied because they could only be the one class. Taking that idea and extrapolating it further here is a Dwarf class that is explicitly specialized at being a Dwarf.

The original Dwarf clearly drew inspiration from Tolkien, who in turn took his inspiration from Norse mythology. In that mythos there is little difference made between Elves (or Alfar as they are called) and Dwarves (or Duergar). Perhaps oversimplified, but the elves were light and lived in Alfheim, the dwarfs were darker and lived in Svartalfheim. They were semi-magical beings with the ability to craft wondrous items with powerful magical qualities. It makes sense then, that the original edition dwarf would have some magical crafting abilities.

In this version there is no limit to the level a Dwarf may attain, this is balanced by other factors.

An Alternate Original Edition Class
Prime Attribute: Strength, 13+ (+5% XP), 15+ (+10% XP)
Hit Dice: 1d8
Armor/Shield Permitted: Any.
Weapons Permitted: Any.
Languages: Gnome, Kobold, Goblin, Dwarf, Common
Dwarfs are at once Fighting-Men and Craftsmen of the finest sort. The quality of their metal work is legendary. 
Dwarfs emerged from the decomposing corpse of Ymir, the first frost giant. They were born without any distinguishable form or intelligence. Disgusted by their looks, the gods transformed them into a more human form and bestowed upon them a very high level of intelligence, and tremendous skill in crafting items of beauty and wonder.
Dwarfs are dour and stoic, and have a reputation for greed because gold and finely crafted art are their only true joys in life.
All dwarfs are of stocky build and have very broad shoulders. Their general complexion and size depends on their type; hill, mountain, or burrower:

Hill: these ruddy tan skinned dwarfs are about four feet tall and weigh around 175 pounds. This is the typical and most common dwarf.

Mountain: these brown skinned dwarfs are about four and a half feet tall and weigh around 200 pounds. Largest and most boisterous of the dwarfs, they are also not as common.

Burrowers: these gray skinned dwarfs are just under four feet tall and weigh around 150 pounds. Rarely seen on the surface world these reclusive dwarfs are known to delve in the deepest subterranean depths.

Dwarf Crafter Statistics

Dwarf Crafter Saving Throws
*Dwarfs generally save vs. spells at 4 levels higher.

Dwarfs are agile and rugged for their short stocky size. They have a knack for frustrating very large foes in combat thus they only take ½ damage from Giants.
Dwarfs are generally not adept at learning the complexities of spell casting, but they do have a natural ability to resist the effects of magic. This innate Magic Resistance gives them excellent saves vs spells (+4 levels, as already noted on the Saving Throw chart).
Dwarfs are the finest crafters in the known world and can forge weapons, armor, and other items to the highest levels of craftsmanship. Any item crafted by a dwarf has x4 base value and readily takes enchantment. They are the only beings able to craft and wield +3 Magic WarHammers.
A dwarf notices immediately if a surface they are traversing on is an inclined plane. 
The keen eye of a dwarf for craftsmanship and manufacturing gives them a bonus to detect traps, note shifting walls, and notice any new construction underground. 1-2 on d6.
Their keen eyesight extends into the ability to see in the absence of light, thus they have infravision and can see monsters up to 60’ away in the dark.
Goblins & kobolds are a dwarf’s natural (and most hated) enemies, and Dwarfs will attack them before any other enemies in sight. The dwarf gets a +1 bonus to hit when fighting these creatures.

Optionally the Referee may permit the Dwarf character to begin as a 0 level Dwarfling. They will have 1d6 hit points, +0 Attack Bonus (or fight as a Man), and have saves as 1st level.

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