Apr 4, 2017

Raiders! Print Edition and Combo Package Available on DriveThruRPG

The proof copies of Raiders! along with Freebooters arrived yesterday. The book looks good and has been approved for public sale.

The combination package of Print + PDF at a $5 discount is also available.


I've been thinking quite a bit about the difference in process between Lulu and DriveThruRPG. You can certainly get your print books up and available faster on Lulu, but if you don't proof it first you run a high risk, though you can preview the cover online which helps. DriveThruRPG reduces that risk since they require you get a proof first, but it seems like they're turnaround is a bit slower.


  1. How does the print quality compare against Lulu and DriveThru?

  2. Nearly identical. Minor variations of the color of the covers, but that is with both services if you order multiple copies and compare them.

  3. The book looks good and is available on DriveThruRPG. A PDF version is also available along with some discount. I think I will have to get one of this.
