Feb 16, 2010

Dejah Thoris Action Figure

I haven't seen too many high-quality action figures based on Edgar Rice Burrough's Mars series, but this Dejah Thoris looks pretty good, and bears a striking likeness to Lynn Collins don't you think?


  1. It's a little too fetishy for me. Plus, she looks pissed off.

  2. It looks like "evil" princess chick from Buck Rogers TV series.

  3. It's awesome! She's technically nekid in the book so it's good to see they're holding close to the source material while still being, uh "family oriented". Yeah....that's the ticket!

  4. I must be a lech. The first thing I thought was "Does that bra-thingy come off?" Ok, maybe I said too much...

  5. It looks like it is removable. And maybe it's not just the bra...

  6. Yeah, I don't know how it is possible to avoid a "fetishy" look and hold any accuracy to the books.

    Rereading the books I don't think the characters are completely naked like everyone alleges. There are a lot of references to metal armor, silks and furs. (John Carter does arrive to Mars in his b-day suit, but he soon acquires armor)

  7. I'm pretty sure she didn't wear a wire-bra. :)

  8. the figure makers got the skin color wrong;
    red martians had a light copper colored skin -
    I wonder if this over site will be translated into the film

  9. Clovis: I don't think this figure has anything to do with the movie. You're right though, the skin could be redder.

  10. She should look pissed off--at least to begin with. She's a princess of Helium for gosh sake.

  11. OK guys. I got a variant of that package.
    I bought 2 pack with Ms Deja Thoris and her spose, Mr John Carter.
    My evaluation is: J Carter is well represented, he came with a cape, breastplate and loincloth.
    The guy is well done I guess.
    Dejah Thoris, OK, I never thought she will come showing the boobs, it's a action figure driven to a hypothetical children target group. I think skin color could be a little mistaken.
    The figure is well manufactured, but, I consider it could be more acurated to some comics and book descriptions. The face expression really looks a little upset. Maybe is the bra, she would not be accustomed to wear one. The posture could be better, the head sees to a side, I would prefer a more traditional posture. Anyways, I am pretty sure I am the only person in my country who has a John Carter & Dejah Thoris figures, I am not from USA.
    I can not complain too much. However the chars from the movie do not look like the comics or books. Dejah Thoris is not even red.
