Jan 31, 2007
Name this Quest

Jan 29, 2007
Dungeoneer comic #1

Back when we were working on the first expansion for Dungeoneer, Vault of the Fiends, my friend James Kei did a short comic set in the Dungeoneer World. It follows the adventures of Nord as he confronts Ramalith in the Vault of the Fiends.
Over the next 9 weeks I will post a page each Monday from the comic for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy.
Jan 26, 2007
Ask the Dungeonlord
New Dungeoneer player Kravell asks:
The Dungeonlord responds:
I am eagerly awaiting the Dungeoneer RPG and that has led me to the card game on which it is based (good marketing idea there).
Two questions. What set is recommended to start and what optional rules are most recommended? I saw somewhere that prebuilding the map is recommended for instance.
I play D&D 3.5 a lot and have played many board games like Runebound and card games like Star Wars. I like strategy, cool characters, and the chance for a lot of interaction between players in a board game.
The Dungeonlord responds:
Hello Kravell,Of particular interest to the Dungeonlord is that excitement for the Dungeoneer RPG is building.
Glad you are interested in Dungeoneer. Tomb of the Lich Lord is generally considered the best to start with. The best options are summarized in the latest rules available here. Pre-building the map is a good one, though for your first couple of games I would recommend playing standard rules.
Jan 24, 2007
Sorceress sketch

This is for an improved version of Spell Focus, a classic spell from Tomb of the Lich Lord. One of the things those in playtests have heard me complain about is how much freaking art it takes to make one of these Dungeoneer sets. There are 110 cards in a set, and each illustration takes me about 1 day to do, sometimes more. Not every card is a unique illustration, there can be about 90 illustrated cards when you remove things like trackers, summaries and duplicates. That's 90 days of art! I don't make that much in return on a set, so Dungeoneer truly is a labor of love. Astute players have noted that there have been more duplicates in recent sets, a cost cutting measure, but it also makes for a better game because it adds to the consistency of cards. But I've figured out another way to re-use art, and that is to make the hero card art be the "signature Boon" of that hero, so that same art can be used on the Boon (or possibly Treasure) card. In this case this is the illustration for the sorceress and also for the more powerful Spell Focus Boon.
Jan 22, 2007
Studio Denmark at Kublacon
Our table at Kublacon has been confirmed. We will be running demos, showing previews, and have unique products you can't get elsewhere. Come join the fun at our favorite San Francisco Bay Area convention!
I might even show a sneak peek of the Dungeoneer RPG. :)
I might even show a sneak peek of the Dungeoneer RPG. :)
Jan 20, 2007
Dungeoneer RPG design blog
Richard Plockington, the primary writer on the Dungeoneer RPG being published by Goodman Games has started a design blog where you can see some of the ideas and process going into the creation of this exciting new product. Richard is known for his excellent Dungeon Crawl Classics he has written. In particular I thought The Sunken Ziggurat was very fun.
Jan 19, 2007
Tentacle Beast
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This site will cover Dungeoneer news and be a resource for all things Dungeoneer.
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