Jul 29, 2024

Does Fight On Still Have Its Mojo?

Fight On! OSR magazine issue #15 is out. It has been 10 long years since the last issue. 

Ten years later, we are back from the dead to Fight On once more! These revenant runes are just as jam-packed as you remember with classes, monsters, spells, magic items, rules mods, homebrews, and awesome adventures in the spirit of the eldritch era of fantasy roleplaying!  Dedicated to seventies D&D legend J. Eric Holmes, this issue brings together old and new stalwarts alike to celebrate our 15th issue and new beginning! With art and articles by J. Eric and Christopher Holmes, Tom Gordon, Calithena, Gabor Lux, Jeff Rients, James Maliszewski, Kesher, Pete Mullen, Cameron Hawkey, Zach Howard, Alex Schroder, Richard Rittenhouse, Settembrini, Patrick Farley, Jason Sholtis, Robert Conley, Kelvin Green, Philipp H., Attronarch, Mitzi!, and many more, this is the first of our new forays into fanzine fame and glory! Ride that wyvern while the sun is shining, and keep Fighting On!

If you were wondering if Fight On! still had that old-school magic, well check out this table of contents. I'd say yes.

Table of Contents
Ten Ways to Holmesify your Game (Zach Howard) 3
Special Ability Charts (Attronarch) 4
The Orthogonal Dwarf (Olle Skogren) 11
Gremlins! (Calithena) 14
Maze Master’s Miscellany (Alex Schroder & Cal) 15
The Catacombs under Old Samora (Philipp H.) 17
Knights & Knaves: Holmes Town Heroes (Tony A. Rowe) 28
Bringing It All Back Holmes (Clark/Grodog/Cal) 30
Maps from the Maze of Peril (J. Eric Holmes) 34
Distributary of Darkness (Alex Zisch) 36
The Silken See (Motley Dice) 37
Grognard’s Grimoire (Richard Rittenhouse) 41
The Wizard’s Satchel (J. Blasso-Gieseke) 43
Artifacts, Adjuncts, and Oddments (Rittenhouse) 44
Victory or Death! (Gabor Lux) 46
Megadungeon Workshop Extravaganza! (Kesher) 50
Calvero! (István Boldog-Bernád) 53
Creepies & Crawlies (James Maliszewski) 61
Tables for Fables (Al, Greco, Wetzel, and Rients) 63
The Darkness Beneath (Alex Schroder & Lior Wehrli) 68
Henchmen-Я-Us: Pole Arm Caddies! (Calithena) 91
Chainmail: Battle for Bronzolo (Settembrini) 92
Doxy, Urgent Care Cleric (Linneman & Green) 98
Education of a Magic User (Douglas Cox) 99
Wham! (Tom Gordon) 100

Some say the OSR is dead. I say LONG LIVE THE OSR!

Get your copy here:


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