Aug 30, 2022

Cosmic Wanderer

Cosmic Wanderer
Medium Humanoid, Chaotic, Extra-Planar

No. Appearing: 1 (1)
Armor Class: 17
Hit Dice: 6+2 (26hp)
Move: 90’ (60’)
Attacks: Touch
Damage: 2d6+1 Necrotic
Save: 15
Morale: 6
Treasure Type: V
Intelligence: 16
XP Value: 500

Necrotic Touch: target touched must Save vs poison or take an additional 1d6 necrotic damage. Limb will rot away within 2-5 days unless cured.

Etherealness: 3 times per encounter can become ethereal for a round and cannot be touched or affected except be effects that can affect ethereal things.

A Cosmic Wanderer is a lost soul condemned to wander the cosmos in search of a home it will never find. Whether an explorer who lost his way, a wizard experimenting with magic he didn't understand, or a cursed individual tossed into the ether, they have been traveling for so long that they've lost all comprehension of time and space. Their physical bodies are deteriorated and barely recognizable as human. 

They have also developed a malevolence and hatred of all mankind and will seek to take the life from anyone they encounter with no remorse. It is possible that under some circumstances a remove curse spell cast by a powerful cleric could restore their humanity.

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