I've experimented with various social media like Reddit & Discord. I really miss G+, it was ideal for discussing and playing TTRPG's on, and it had a vibrant old-school community.
I enjoy visiting ODD74 and Dragonsfoot, and a few other forums dedicated to old-school/new-school RPG's on occasion. But there has been a need for a dedicated forum for Night Owl Workshop if the company (or more accurately hobby venture!) is to thrive. At long last here is a forum to discuss Warriors of the Red Planet and the other NOW games:
It is a ghost town now, but if you visit, and bring a friend, it may eventually become a community of like minded gamers. I will be using it to keep customers and fans informed on what Night Owl Workshop is up to, and will participate in the conversations from time to time. Check it out, sign up, discuss.