Now that you are enjoying
Legendary Dungeoneer: Wrath of the Serpent Goddess I would like to introduce an exciting new product we are working on for you avid Dungeoneer players.
Dungeoneer Scenarios is a book designed to give you the most value out of your Dungeoneer decks. It is a product long needed to tie all the loose ends together and be the definitive resource for the Dungeoneer expandable card game.
Dungeoneer Scenarios is the ultimate collection of variant rules and so much more. It describes in detail ways of using your Dungeoneer sets to create interesting new scenarios. Cooperative play, solo play, pre-constructed decks, pre-made maps, errata, complete and detailed card lists, and back stories for many of the fascinating heroes and villains of the Dungeoneer world!
One of the things that has long been needed in Dungeoneer is a condensed rules summary that clearly explained how to play the game. Sure this problem has been mostly solved in the
latest rules, but there has long been a need for rules that explain the game in the simplest terms for new players.
As your first taste of the kinds of goodies you will find in Dungeoneer Scenarios I present the concise
rules summary. This document was inspired by a document posted on that almost had the rules boiled down to 1 page (sans combat), but it had a few errors. You can check out our version right here: Summary.pdfCurrent players don't worry, exhaustive detailed rules explanations for experienced players will be included as well!
Dungeoneer Scenarios design diaries will explore variant rules, and most exciting of all scenarios that can be played cooperatively, competitively, or even solo!