Here is Tenser from the infamous Rogues Gallery, with a bit of a cleaned up layout. RIP Ernie Gygax.
Player: Ernie Gygax jr.
Human Magic-User 10 (Lawful Good)
Armor Class: 10
Hit Points: 56
Level: 10
Attacks: Staff +1 (1d6+1)
Move: 10
Saving Throws:
Death: 10
Wands: 16
Paralysis: 11
Breath: 16
Spells: 14
Strength: 10
Intelligence: 16
Wisdom: 11
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 16
Charisma: 18
Special Abilities:
Can cast spells as a 10th-level magic-user
Prefers melee combat despite being a magic-user
Known for leading missions for law and good
Maintains alliances with non-human races and even some considered monsters
Tenser possesses the following magical items:
Dust of Disappearance
A Wand of Negation
A Staff of the Magi
A Ring of Protection +1
A Displacement Cloak
A Ring of Human Influence
A Wand of Metal and Mineral Detection
A Potion of Protection from Dragon Breath
This potion grants the imbiber resistance to all forms of dragon breath. Against gas-based attacks (sleep, fear, slow, paralysis, etc.), the user gains a +2 bonus to their saving throw, with results being either total success or failure. Against direct breath attacks (fire, acid, lightning, etc.), a successful saving throw negates all damage, while a failed save results in only half damage. The potion lasts for 6 to 15 rounds, and the entire bottle must be consumed for it to take effect. This potion does not protect against physical attacks or spells cast by dragons.
Dust of Dispelling Air Elementals
This dust appears indistinguishable from other magical dusts and is usually found in similar packaging—bone tubes or silk pouches. When a handful is thrown onto any creature summoned from the Elemental Plane of Air, that creature will immediately be forced to return to its proper plane. The dust may also be used to create a protective ring—if spread in an unbroken circle or from wall to wall, it causes summoned air elementals to suffer a penalty on their attack rolls. The dust cannot be blown away by the creature it affects, though other creatures or spells may disturb it. Notably, it has no effect on free-willed creatures from this plane. One handful is required to dispel a single creature, create a 10' diameter circle, or form a 50' line.
Contrary to most magic-users, Tenser has always been a lover of battle. Occasionally, he will seemingly forget his spells and charge into melee with his staff, depending on his magical protections to preserve him. In many ways, it is felt that his temperament would have been better suited to that of a fighter.
At the same time, Tenser is no fool. He has no aversion to using magic and generally chooses it first. He has gathered about him a firm power base for law and good and will readily use it when necessary. He will sometimes enchant good magic-users to go on dangerous missions to aid the cause of good. He is reported to have alliances with various non-human races and even some that are considered monsters.
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