Jan 30, 2025

Gunslinger Flip Through

 I made a video with a flip through of the entire Gunslinger RPG book. You can check it out here:

Jan 23, 2025

Hawkmoor Primer

 First real post of 2025.

Every year seems to come along sooner than the previous. When I look at all that was accomplished and what wasn't in 2024 I'm filled with mixed emotions. Proud of the things I made, a lot of art was drawn and painted. But, only a few OSR books made it out. The most important one being the Gunslinger RPG. Fulfilling that Kickstarter was, well, fulfilling! However there were a dozen other books that weren't finished. Perhaps the best thing that happened related to gaming and this blog is reconnecting with why I love RPG's so much. I got to play a lot of games, even some 2e AD&D, a system I am slowly coming to appreciate more and more.

Time for New Years goals.

2025 Priorities

  1. Princess of the Red Planet Adventure
  2. Warriors of the Wild West (a "white box" version of Gunslinger)
  3. Hawkmoor 74 RPG (previously known as ODD74 SVE)
  4. Unkindness of Ravens (a sequel to the Murder of Crows card game)
  5. Book of Valkyries (2 books: an art book and an OSR compatible book on Norse Mythology)
  6. Dungeoneer Deluxe (a revised and updated version of my Dungeoneer card game)
  7. Gateway RPG (a "universal" RPG compatible with Warriors of the Red Planet, Raiders, Freebooters, etc.)
  8. Hardboiled RPG (a film noir RPG in the style of WotRP, Raiders, Freebooters, etc.)
  9. Book of Gnomes (cooler than it sounds, inspired by the famous Gnomes book by Rien Poortvliet)
  10. Book of Orcs RPG
  11. Dark Fantasy RPG
  12. Post-Apocalypse RPG

I'll have more to say what each of these are as the time comes. Most of them have been discussed here, and on forums over the years. I am also reviewing unreleased items I've announced on this blog to see what I can reasonably complete. I have so many little projects that are nearly 99.9% done, I'd like to get them all finished and out of my studio!

One thing I recently put out was a primer to the Hawkmoor Campaign Setting. It is only an outline of the world with a few maps, but think of it as a Living Document that will be updated frequently. I've got such an interesting, fresh, and fun idea for this setting that I can't wait to share with you. I know this teaser isn't much, but for various reasons I had to post it.