Jun 26, 2024

Gunslinger - Strange Science

 One of the features of Gunslinger is Strange Science. To those familiar with Gamma World (or the classic Expedition to the Barrier Peaks) you'll recall how exciting it was to find some weird unknown piece of technology and trying to figure out how it works. Sometimes to great effect, and other times to disaster!

And since Gunslinger doesn't have magic* this is the closest thing to it. As Arthur C. Clarke famously said "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." That is certainly true in the Arizona Territory in the 1800's where strange science is involved.

For those fans of the genre, there are a lot of Easter Eggs in here I'm sure you'll appreciate.

Closing in on those last little details to send Gunslinger to press this week.

*There is a "Mythic West" appendix in the back for those who want a little supernatural in their campaign.

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