Valkyrie of Devastation
Demi-Goddess, Medium Humanoid, Chaotic Neutral
Armor Class: 18
Hit Dice: 10 (80hp)
BHB +5
Attacks: 2 × battleaxe (1d8)
Move: 90’ (40’)
Save: D4 W5 P5 B5 S8 (F18)
Morale: 18
XP: 1650
Str: 21 Dex: 16 Con: 17 Int: 12 Wis: 11 Chr: 18
- Axe of Devastation: on a successful hit creates an explosion of force all within a 25’ radius takes 2d8 damage save vs. breath for half.
- Axe of Destruction: on a successful hit destroys non-magical shield and armor, or a parried non-magical weapon.
- Amulet of Protection: +4 AC
Herja (Devastate) is the Valkyrie of Devastation. She is silent most of the time, and soft spoken when she does speak. She lets her axes do the talking for her.