Aug 28, 2012

WotRP - The Mentalist

Mentalists are individuals with unnaturally prodigious mental abilities. As Mentalists gain experience, they hone their prowess and add more options to their suite of powers. Mentalists may use any weapon, though they typically scorn much besides an ornamental dagger or pistol, and wear only the lightest armor, such as basic harness.
Mentalists roll 1d6 for each HD (max 10).

Mentalists may use a number of powers per day equal to their level before needing to rest and regain their strength. Mentalists with a Wisdom of 13 or higher may add 1 to the numbers of power uses per day. This usage may consists of any combination of the powers they know, so long as the total does not exceed their daily limit.

Mentalists with high Charisma may add their Basic Ability Modifier to powers that require a roll to-hit or damage.

Note: Due to the limited number of powers available to any individual Mentalist, one Mentalist may be very different from the next, making them as unpredictable as they are powerful. Upon gaining a level, the Mentalist may choose to “unlearn” a known power and choose a new one of the same level in its place.
Level XP              HD    Title           Powers per day (by level)
1       0                1       Aspirant     1/
2       2500           2       -                 2/     
3       5000           3       Initiate       2/1
4       10000         4       -                 3/2
5       20000         5       Seer           3/2/1
6       50000         6       -                 3/2/2
7       100000       7       Adept         3/2/2/1
8       250000       8       -                 3/2/2/2
9       500000       9       Savant       3/2/2/2/1
10     1000000     10     Mindlord    3/3/2/2/2/1

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