Dec 14, 2010

Dungeon Master Fatigue and Why Petty Gods is such a Cool Idea!

Anyone who has had the task of being Dungeon Master for any period of time knows what Dungeon Master fatigue is. Players will drain your mind and spirit given enough time. Week after week you dredge your brain for cool ideas to bring to the game table and night after night players take the game in directions you never expected forcing you to be quick on your feet and constantly come up with cool new ideas to keep everyone entertained. It is demanding, but rewarding work. Penny Arcade has recently featured this idea in their typically brilliant humorous way.

When the eloquent and verbose


  1. This is a really nice work, Thomas! I had a god accepted for the book, and can only hope the art James finds for it will be as good.

  2. Yes, very good work. And yes it is interesting to see you idea develop.

  3. I think this is my favourite of the preview images released so far. Brilliant quirky stuff.
