Aug 24, 2010

WotRP: more ship designs

Back after a long hiatus. Straight out of my sketchbook here are some rough ship sketches I did for the excellent Warriors of the Red Planet RPG which may someday be completed. I wonder if anyone can recognize which Ray Harryhausen film inspired some of these designs.


  1. Love the approaching angle of the one on the upper left :)

    Word verfication "portles": tiny port-holes!

  2. These are fantastic! I'm not sure which Harryhausen film--would it be too obvious to guess Argonauts or Sinbad?

  3. I'm leaning towards a more mysterious inspiration...

  4. I like the airship in the top left corner as well.

    I'm waiting with great anticipation for both WotRP and Dungeoneer RPG. I hear there's also some talk about reprinting Woods Of Malthorin and Den of the Wererats, which wouod be cool.

  5. Jay, getting warm, getting warmer...

    Paladin: hope you aren't the only one

  6. Inspired by the ship the bronze minotaur rows in Sindbad and the Eye of the Tiger.
