Oct 3, 2024

D&D 5.5, Sort Of

Visited my FLGS the other day and saw that they have the new Player's Handbook. I wasn't really planning on getting it, but I do like supporting the store and honestly the book looked pretty good. So I impulse bought it.

I've barely begun reading it, mostly just thumbed through appreciating the art and layout. Here are my initial thoughts:

It is well laid out.

The art looks good.

It's thick, but feels about right.

It is much better organized.

It is more similar to 5th edition than 3.5 was to 3.0, so it is a stretch to call it a new edition. "5th Edition Remastered" might be a better term.

I'll have more thoughts once I finish reading it and play a few sessions. So far so good.

Sep 23, 2024

Gunslinger Books Arrived

 The Gunslinger books have arrived to the warehouse (aka my garage). I am signing them and preparing to ship them out. Aiming to have it all done this week!

What a long strange trip it's been. Should be a fun post mortem.

Sep 8, 2024

What If Wormy Had Minis?

 For a time Dragon magazine had a fantastic little comic strip called Wormy, illustrated by Dave Trampier. It was creative, funny, and much too short. Unfortunately Trampier left the game industry and we were no longer blessed with his brilliant art and this charming little cartoon. What if he'd been treated better and Wormy was supported and turned into a real product line? Imagine if we could have minis based on Wormy?

Imagine if you could just click on this link and buy some Wormy minis? https://onthetabletop.blog/2024/09/08/daworm-co/

What if this opportunity was very short lived and if you didn't order by Sept. 28 you'd miss out on your chance to get Wormy minis? That would be sad.

Sep 1, 2024

Night Owl Workshop Facebook Group

Ever since Google+ was shutdown I haven't really felt at home on any social media for the purposes of finding, playing, and producing gaming material, other than some old school forums like ODD 74 and Dragonsfoot. While I have a Twitter that is barely used, and an Instagram I occasionally post my art on, there really wasn't a social media home for Night Owl Workshop. Yes, there is the forum, but it has become more of a repository for Q&A and for posting FAQ's where it would be easy to find them. We do have some secret boards for playtesting new games (currently playtesting a Guardians update, it is not a 2nd edition).

I have received many requests on Facebook for a Night Owl Workshop page, and after consulting some partners I work with we've made the decision to open an official discussion group there. So, if you like Facebook, this is the social media platform for you to join us on!

Aug 27, 2024

Gunslinger - Proof Approved

Last month we sent the final file to the printers. After a few typical pre-press issues such as fonts licensing, validation, and correcting printer specifications we were all good to go and ordered proof copies.

When the proofs arrived we poured over them with a fine tooth comb and they looked good, we found some minor issues to polish that required another proof. We'd come this far and didn't want to rush things at this point. Those revised proofs just arrived and the results are great.

The order has been put in to print the full run to fulfill the Kickstarter. If all goes smoothly they should be arriving mid-September. From there they'll get boxed up and shipped out.

This is my first crowdfunding and I learned a lot! I'm considering writing up a post-mortem to help others avoid some of the pitfalls I fell into.